Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A general rant regarding pretty much everything...

I write this stupid blog because it's a good way for me to blow off steam and be, in my way, creative at times. I don't do it for attention and I don't do it to sound smart or act smart. Most of what I say and think is usually kneejerk and that is a stupid way to be. But it's me, always has been and always will be. I have a few things I want to rant about because it will just make me feel better to write it out and not sit on it anymore. I'm foul mouthed and I try really hard when using social media to tone that down. I am certain that the foul mouth is also a very deep part of me so it pains me to censor myself at times, but in this case, I might be more readable if I do. Just so you know because if you keep reading past this, I might drop a few bad words here and there. IF you don't like that, then don't read it. That's not meant to be pissy sounding, it's meant to be true.

Traffic. Really Richmond? Honestly? A few stop lights go out and all of a sudden, your driving IQ (which was never high to begin with) drops from a sub-human level to that of a bacteria. Stop lights that are not lit up because of power failure become 4 way stops. When you get to the light first, you go first. When you get there last, you are last. How is this hard? Why is this so difficult? I cannot count the number of times people have blown through the light and nearly hit me. I can't count it because in 4 days, I've lost track from the trauma. It's not a joke, I'm seriously peeved. I had a boyfriend offer to throw down with me today because his girlfriend blew through the stoplight at Monument and Horsepen, nearly hitting me. She was inches from my bumper and acted as though she didn't see me. When I gave her the horn, the finger and dropped the F-bomb and the C-bomb MULTIPLE times out my window, the boyfriend offered to fight me. Because his idiot girlfriend, devoid of intelligence and accountability, very nearly took me out, it's my fault. Sure, some of you might say I shouldn't have yelled...whatever. Had it happened to you, you would have been just as angry. I happen to be of the orientation that I don't let people run over me, literally and figuratively, so I told her what I thought. Where was a police officer to stop warn her or ticket her? No where, so I exacted my revenge. It made me feel better and it pointed her out as being the stupid-ass who doesn't deserve a license. I learned to drive in Georgia, the stupid capital of the driving world. Seriously, I think Richmond has captured the title. Honest.

Cyclists. I hate you. Period. When I see a car with a bumper sticker saying "Share the Road", I want to smash that persons window. Yet another group of people wanting some special rights that they are no way entitled to. Ok, bicyclists want to ride on the same roads as cars. In a subdivision, this makes sense. A cycle is capable of keeping up on the road when the speed limit is 25 mph...oh, wait, no it isn't. A bicyclist isn't capable of keeping with the flow of traffic ANYWHERE. How much fun is it when you get in a 45 mph zone like, I dunno, Monument Avenue, and there are several bikers riding in either lane going 10 mph? It's awesomeness is only eclipsed by their disregard for those behind them as evidenced by their continued path at the same speed as opposed to letting you by. Bicyclists are really good about stopping at stop signs and stop lights just like we are..oh wait, no they don't. They blow through them, and not at the rate cars do either. They look both ways and keep many car drivers have you seen do that lately? Show of hands? I thought so. Bicyclists are fair and don't lane split, risking life and limb while riding between cars that are waiting at said stoplights..oh wait, yes they do. Out side of California, no other states allow lane splitting so the a-holes here in Richmond who love to ride by my car while I'm sitting still like I'm supposed to at a stop sign or light are breaking the law, just like they do when they blow through the light that is holding me up. I'm all about people riding bicycles. It's healthy, it's environmentally conscience and it's a load of fun. I'm just for these people being held to the same standard I'm being held to when I am in my car or on my motorcycle. Am I stereotyping cyclists? Is this my blog and my opinion? Why yes it is, and I reserve to right to generalize anyone and anything I want to. Call it small minded, I simply call it calling a spade a spade.

Family. Yes family. Who has a family member that, despite your attempts to make them happy or help them out, continue to shit on you? How about family that you go out of your way to help only to find them lacking the desire to help themselves? I am in the process of helping a family member now who, in the past, has shown very little inclination to help themselves in any way. What I've helped with is, by far and wide, enabling, and I know that, but this family member has others who depend on them so it's my duty to do what I can, when I can. This family member would rather be at home playing then here helping me to help them. It's sad and aggravating, but in the end, I have to do it because others depend on me to do it. I'm not just angry at this person, I'm disappointed.

Bullshit friends. I said it, yeah. Everyone has them. Mine's no different. I sold a friend a car dollie about 2 years ago with the agreement that, if he decided to sell, he would sell it back to me. He asked me to take some pictures of it today as I was picking it up to use it. When I e-mailed the pictures to him, I asked what he needed them for thinking insurance. He wrote back saying he was selling it and, to top it off, for 3 times what I sold it to him for. I gave him a great price 2 years ago because he was a friend and now, he not only completely screws me as far as a sale, he takes advantage of the break I gave him. I flip cars and know how the business goes. But how do you stick it to a friend like this guy has? It wasn't business when I sold him the dollie, it was a favor. What happened to honor?

There. I feel a little bit better. Not a lot, but some. I'll sleep on it and hope that things are better tomorrow. If I'm one thing, it's optimistic.

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