I had a few things I wanted to mention that I didn't from my trip, mainly sightings that didn't really go with the telling of the trip as a whole.By sightings, I think most people would interpret things that occurred or were seen. For me, that would be, for instance, a bumper sticker reading "If you want to do the crime, but not the time, try FLORIDA", a not so subtle reference to the Casey Anthony trial.
While traveling home, I had the best opportunity to see things that would help to write this silliness I call a blog. as I rode through Chatsworth GA, I saw a business called "You BAWT WHUT?". For the non-southern, this is the vernacular for "You purchased an item and I am shocked over what that item is!". Whether the place was still open or not, I failed to check, but it was an interesting sight nonetheless.
Further up the road, and still in Georgia, was "Booger's Flea Market". Booger. I'll say it again. Booger.
As I rode into Knoxville, I lost track of my route and traveled a little further north than I needed to. As I passed under the bridge that was I-40, there was what appeared to be a fight going on. I rode by too quick to really get a good look, but on my way back (because I got turned around AGAIN), the guys were still going at it. The rest of the crowd was standing around while these two swung and missed, swung and hit a shoulder, pushed and slapped. There was no blood from what I could see, but being on a bike and in a very vulnerable position, I rode on not wanting to press my luck.
In Bristol, the Virginia side, I rode by a group of Harley's parked on the side of the road leaving what looked like a diner. Anyone who rides knows that it's polite to wave at oncoming fellow bikers, regardless of the brand. I waved and the one guy who saw me gave me the American sign to screw off. Delightful!
In Radford, Virginia, as I took a short break at a Sheetz, I did some people watching as I sat outside on the table. I counted 6 Virginia Tech t-shirts (Expected as Blacksburg is right down the road), several people wearing jeans despite the 100 degree weather, at least one airbrushed t-shirt professing love for a boyfriend/husband/one night stand and all the bikini's I could ever want to see. 3 bikinis and two of the women needed at least another bikini apiece to go with the one they were already wearing. Why? Because a) there was more flesh than bikini in ALL the wrong places and b) I'm pretty sure they violated at least 3 local ordinances and several constitutional rights for anyone who saw them.
I'll have to take my camera next time I go anywhere. I wish I had pictures of it all (minus the banshees from Radford. Yech...) so I could look back on it and enjoy it all over again. Maybe that will be my next investment, a good camera that's weatherproof and can make me look good all at once.
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